Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vanity, thy name is Traveling Hoosier. I just admitted to a friend the real reason I'm less than fond of night shift is the number it's doing on my skin. Blerg.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sick Day

It was bound to happen: working the the night shift has run down my immune system, and I've caught the cold that's going around. Luckily, I have the next three days off. It's kind of a pain to use my time off to nurture my body back into work condition, but, hey, that's how it goes sometimes. However, I'd really rather be working out at least once a day on every free day I have, because I just accepted my next LA! That's right, I'm going to be among the beautiful people. So, I have about three months to become one of the beautiful people myself. Cold, begone: this nurse needs to go for a run.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Cool weather has finally come to the Pacific Northwest. Sure, the afternoons are still mid-60s and sunny, but the mornings are dark and cold.

When I was a day-shifter, being up at the crack of dawn was a normal occurrence. Since I've been in Seattle, I've been working the night shift, so I've rarely had a reason to be out and about at 6 a.m. This morning, however, I woke up around 4:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. After messing around, reading, and playing on my phone, I figured slumber wasn't coming back, and I better just start my day. I decided to head to the espresso shack (hut?) just a few blocks from my apartment to get a latte and get moving. The dark sky and cold temperature that greeted me outside reminded me how much I hated going out to my car to leave for my day shift on fall and winter mornings in Indiana. And it reinforced to me that no matter how much I really like Seattle (and I really do), I need to try to find a warm-weather contract for the winter. Just so this Hoosier can really see what a mild winter is all about.